Tuesday 13 April 2010

Kinniside recce

Despite not really taking the local WCOC spring fell series seriously, and using these short sharp races as speed work, I found myself arranging to meet up with a mate to recce the last race in the series. Partly an excuse to get out in the gorgeous sunshine again, but I have to admit there is a bit of my competativeness creeping in. Last night after work we met up and jogged around the route, in beautiful blue skies. The air was amazingly clear and the views of the central fells stunning. Unfortunately I didn't take the camera with me, I was revelling in the fact that I didn't need to carry anything with me, no bumbag, no rucksac, just the shorts and t-shirt on my body, highlanders on my feet and my car key tucked safely away!

We had a fun time checking out direct routes, from the Cold Fell road, up to Flat Fell, down and back up to Dent, off the back of Dent across to Swarth Fell, and then Blakeley, before dropping back to the road. Lovely run despite the gorse bush hack! er hem!!

Bit of a rest today, just a 4 mile walk in total to and from work.

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