Friday 9 April 2010

Aiken Skyline

5th race in the Warrior Series last night. Had a couple of days off due to a dodgy stomach, so wasn't sure what I would feel like last night. Have been feeling tired due to lack of calories. Arrived early so decided (?!) to warm up by heading up Graystones - my informal competition to tick all Wainwrights before my friends two year old dog - so just trotted slowly up to the top and back, making sure I visited both tops!

Race itself was really good fun and more of a challenging route both under foot and route finding than previous races. Felt steady all the way and strong, despite the heather bashing, bog trotting and route finding. Previous beta on the best line turned out to be hit and miss - especially the 'trod' around Brown How! Not particularly runnable that. Legs felt like they'd had a good work out. Realised for what its worth that I'm in close competition with a young lass for the series, so I may even recce next weeks race before hand! taking things seriously, me?!

Race totalled 5.9 miles, plus about 1.1 mi for Graystones. Ascent: need to work that one out!

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