Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Whin Rigg in the snow

Managed to control the urge to ride in again, and save my legs for a run in the snow this evening. Walked the 4 miles in and out of work along the coast, and then headed out this evening for a run up Whin Rigg. It was eerily quiet up in the forest as it was sheltered from the wind. I got to the first snow about half way up the climb through the forest, and it gradually got deeper the further up I went - except for the wind blasted slopes where it had been stripped off. 

I was elated to find no footprints at all once out on the open fell - but that was all a little premature as I then came across several sets, before they veered off again, having not stayed to the path. So I had the joy of making the first prints most of the way up and then following them back down again! It wasn't as clear as I had hoped as cloud had come across the moon, but it was lovely up there nonetheless in the snow!!

Was only slightly slower on the ascent than normal, but significantly slower coming down hill, due to a low headtorch battery and very worn Montrails. They are the only shoe I could possibly have run in tonight due to my blisters but have seen many better days!

Time to get a new pair!

Total Mileage: 6.16
Total Ascent: 1700'

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