Sunday, 3 October 2010

12 days of nowt

Last Tuesday after our long weekend, woke up with the alarm at 6am, got the bike kit on and set off to work on the bike. Felt pretty sluggish but assumed that it was just the excesses of the weekend catching up with me in the early morning, but by mid-morning it was evident there was a bunch of viral cells working their way around my body. I hooked up with P to ride home so I could follow his wheel, got home and crawled into bed.

A sore-throat and fever plagued me for the next 4 days, but by Friday I was feeling a little better. But a pootle around the Eskdale Show on saturday wiped me out again and the next two days were spent in bed! Then a slow recovery as the virus seemed to have taken all my energy. I started feeling better on Friday evening - again, but just in time for P to come down with it!

Managed a slow valley 7 miles on Saturday afternoon, and another 7 miler on Sunday when the rain stopped over Muncaster Fell. Both runs felt like hard work, as i didn't have the most energy, but its started to come back to me.

So it was 12 days of nowt!

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