Wednesday 20 January 2010

Building back up

Now that the snow has all but gone, at low elevations at least, I've realised that its not just a case of starting where I left off, but almost starting again. Sunday's 10 miler left me feeling stiff and unfit. Quite sobbering. And I'm trying not to do my usual too much, too soon again as this normally ends in getting ill, at this time of year.
It's frustrating as I'm not unfit really, just a bit out of practice. Anyway yesterday I covered 4 miles walking, and then got two short runs in, one a steady 3.2 miles at lunchtime and another just over 4.5 miles in the evening which included a bit of hill and speed work. The legs have freed up nicely after these and I'm feeling more positive.

Just need to keep the momentum up for this week and month and then start chucking in the long days out.

I realised I had forgotten to say: not only is it BG attempt this year, I also have a wedding to plan!

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